Is Diabetes Genetic?

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Genetics is something that happens in families, whether it's obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc. If you have family members who have any of these health problems, that means you are more likely or more at risk of having these problems yourself. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to come down with them though, which brings me to the next lifestyle issue.

Lifestyle, or your environment, is actually triggering diseases with your family genetics. For example, if any member of your family has diabetes, you're going to have the genetics for it. But if you live the same lifestyle as a family member, then you, too, will come down with this disease. And this is especially true of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease of lifestyle.

And these problems are not necessarily limited to the lifestyle of your biological family. It also happens to your surrogate family, even the people you associate with most of the time, outside your biological family. There's a saying, you're the one you associate with. If you hang out with unhappy people, you're going to be unhappy. If you hang out with unhealthful people, you're going to become unhealthful yourself.

So, what can you do to prevent this from happening to you?

Take a look at the lifestyle of your own family or your closest friends. If they have an unhealthful lifestyle, deviate from their lifestyle. Sometimes it's going to mean breaking away from them, at least to the point where their lifestyle doesn't rub you off. When you do that, you're going to upgrade your genetic expressions, and you're going to become less and less prone or at risk for these diseases.

Also, associate yourself with people who are taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Hang out with people who are what you want to be.

If you commit to these changes, you're going to have a more healthy and active lifestyle, with better longevity


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